A page stub is a published page on your website with a name (its title) and (usually) an assigned ‘Parent’ page. Page stubs create a framework that WordPress uses to quickly generate navigation menus.
It takes about 10 seconds to create a single page stub. We HIGHLY recommend you create a page stub for every (known) page in your site before adding any content to the site.
Top level pages
Have a copy of your new site’s planned sitemap. It might be in the form of a spreadsheet or a diagram. It indicates which pages will be “top level” and how the other pages cascade out from that. (Things can still be added/moved later, but start with the most complete structure you have.)
First make a home page and a page for each of the items that appear in your main navigation. The main navigation appears in the lighter blue band in your site’s header.
In the dashboard ‘Pages’ view, click ‘Add a page’
Type in the page’s name at the top. In this first round of pages you’ll want to dismiss (x out) the template that’s offered.
In the right column, scroll down to Page Attributes (open the section and select the page’s “parent” from the dropdown
Hit ‘Publish’
Repeat for all of your top-level pages
Once those pages are created, do the same for all of your lower-level pages, with two changes:
After you hit ‘Add a Page’ click on the template that’s offered and it will be placed on the page.
Type in the page’s name at the top. In this first round of pages you’ll want to dismiss (x out) the template that’s offered.
In the right column, scroll down to Page Attributes (open the section and select the page’s “parent” from the dropdown.
Hit ‘Publish’
Repeat for all of your sub-pages. The ‘Parent’ will always be the page in the same section that’s one level higher in the hierarchy.
Once every page in your site has a stub, you’re ready to Learn about navigation and Build navigation menus. This’ll make it a lot easier to move around your site as you begin adding content to the pages.