Link states

Testing link colors for hover and visited on various backgrounds

our link hover color is a maize overlay. It should also include a text color for instances where we’ve turned text white.

Assuming our body text colors are white and black

These combos can be used without manually changing the text color

Testing link colors for hover and visited on various backgrounds

Testing link colors for hover and visited on various backgrounds

Testing link colors for hover and visited on various backgrounds

These combinations require text to be manually changed to white (#fafafa)

These are not accessible with either black or white

Testing link colors for hover and visited on various backgrounds

Testing link colors for hover and visited on various backgrounds

Default link color is base blue

Browser visited link color is #561A8B

Testing link colors for hover and visited on various backgrounds

Default link color is base blue

Browser visited link color is #561A8B

Testing link colors for hover and visited on various backgrounds

Default link color is base blue

Browser visited link color is #561A8B

Testing link colors for hover and visited on various backgrounds

Default link color is base blue

Browser visited link color is #561A8B